About Silicones
Performance properties
Silicones bring unique performances and properties that make them the material of choice for countless essential applications in our day-to-day lives. They can make materials that do not want to stick together adhere. They are thermally stable meaning they retain their properties under high thermal stress (which means severe temperature changes). They help cool systems down, insulate, lubricate, protect and much more!
Over the years, buildings can suffer considerable damage caused by weather conditions and more specifically by water penetrating building materials. The chemical structure of silicone water repellents enables them to repel water without impairing the buildings’ surface to breathe.
Silicones’ ability to “wet” the surface, capillaries and pores of the building material is a benefit of their structure at molecular level. Their organic groups (R-) act like the bristles of a “molecular brush”, preventing the building from getting wet, not by sealing the pores but rather by holding the water at bay. Since the pores and capillaries do not become clogged, the material stays permeable to water vapour.
Examples of applications
