Sustainability Studies

Decarbonisation Study

To better understand the contribution of silicones and silanes
to the Green Deal, we commissioned a study analysing the individual role of silicones in achieving greenhouse gas emission reductions in certain products throughout their lifecycle. Its aim is to show the potential contribution of the silicone industry with respect to reaching a net-zero carbon society.

EU Decarbonisation
Silicones and
the EU Green Deal

Overall, every application in the study shows an emissions savings potential compared to alternatives without silicones, indicating the importance of the industry to support decarbonisation and the clear link between silicones and the EU Green Deal.

Methodology and results

The study is based on the methodology of a previous study on GHG-emissions and impacts of silicones, silanes, and siloxanes commissioned by the Global Silicone Council (GSC) in 2012. For each singular case study, the benefits of using silicone in the products were calculated on the basis of net benefits and benefit/impact ratios, dividing benefits by the impacts of production, covering the entire life cycle.

The results of this study confirmed the conclusions of the 2012 study: selected silicone-containing applications show CO2 savings potential throughout their lifecycle in comparison with their non-silicone alternatives.

In particular, applications in the energy industry and mobility sector were found to significantly contribute to the decarbonisation of the European economy.

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Energy Industry
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Mobility Sector

The biggest potential towards future savings and a significant contribution to reducing CO2eq emissions in the EU lies in applications such as batteries/energy storage and LEDs. Out of all applications, the future GHG benefits for batteries are the highest. In addition, the mobility sector also shows great potential due to the share of electromobility in the passenger car market, which is expected to increase to 90% by 2050, leading to an almost complete substitution of fossil fuels and decrease
of emissions in the private mobility sector.

The relevant Greenhouse gas emission data for each application/cluster

(Compared to 2030, kg CO2 eq/KG)

Icon - 1
Icon - 2
Wind turbines-650.1
Icon - 3
Icon - 4
Automotive bonding-220.3
Icon - 5
Green Tyres-130.1
Icon - 6
High quality sealants/adhesives-20.5
Icon - 7
Anti-foaming in Pulp Production-289.6

Benefits of silicone applications, in numbers

Name of Case Study Net benefit of silicone product Absolute EU GHG net benefits
Kg CO2/kg 1.000t CO2eq
1 Automotive Bonding -220,3 -829
2 Batteries/Energy Storage -1.832,2 -51.957
3 Chlorosilane for Solar Grade Silicon -6,8 -2.835
4 Energy Efficient Lighting — LEDs -6.244,0 -17.488
5 Engine Performance, Rubber in Motor Construction -423,5 -8.759
6 Green Tyres -130,1 -5.205
7 Industrial Applications in Pulp Industry -20,5 -460
8 Industrial Applications in Pulp Industry, Anti-foaming in Pulp Production -289,6 -3.145
9 PU Additives for Thermal Insulation in Appliances -35,9 -210
10 Sealants Windows IG unit -61,8 -2.012
11 Wind Turbines -650,1 -3.514
Total -9.914,8 -96.414
Table 25:
Overview of results for projected scenario 2030 of all investigated case studies with a total value for net benefit of silicone product, market volumes, and absolute GHG net benefits.
Name of Case Study Net benefit of silicone product Absolute EU GHG net benefits
Kg CO2eq/kg 1.000t CO2eq
1 Automotive Bonding -219,6 -1.112
2 Batteries/Energy Storage -333,0 -24.888
3 Chlorosilane for Solar Grade Silicon 0,3 163
4 Energy Efficient Lighting — LEDs -1.126,9 -7.106
5 Engine Performance,Rubber in Motor Construction -44,00 -1.217
6 Green Tyres -19,5 -1.107
7 High Quality Sealants & Adhesives -9,6 -434
8 Industrial Applications in Pulp Industry, Anti-foaming in Pulp Production -297,9 -3.560
9 PU Additives for Thermal Insulation in Appliances -10,3 -114
10 Sealants Windows IG unit -6,0 -393
11 Wind Turbines -203,7 -2.813
Total -2.270,3 -42.580
Table 26:
Overview of results for projected scenario 2050 of all investigated case studies with a total value for net benefit of silicone product, market volumes, and absolute GHG net benefits.

What to know more?

Chemicals Environment Link Studies

Study: Silicones’ role in supporting the EU Green Deal’s decarbonization goal

Environment Press announcement Silicones Europe Studies

Our latest study highlights silicones’ role in supporting the EU decarbonisation goals


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