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Industry position on authorisation proposal for D4, D5, D6

2021/10/07 Read more

Industry position on REACH restriction proposal

2021/10/07 Read more

Inhalation toxicity of cyclic semi-volatile methylsiloxanes: Disentangling the conundrum of phase-specific adaptations from adverse outcomes

2021/07/30 Read more

Bioaccumulation of dodecamethylcyclohexasiloxane (D6) in fish

2021/07/22 Read more

Measuring snow scavenging of two airborne cyclic volatile methylsiloxanes under controlled conditions

2021/07/16 Read more

Silicones and batteries

2021/06/28 Watch

Silicones in construction

2021/01/27 Watch

The silicones industry welcomes the new Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy and Batteries Regulation

2020/12/10 Read more
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